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     Liberty Truth & Deliverance was established in March 1998 by Overseer Barbara Copeland. The original church began with a total of 8 people and began to reach out and touch others with the love and Gospel of Jesus Christ. The purpose of the establishment is to maintain a place of Christian worship, work and fellowship for all people irrespective of social position or worldly possessions.  


         LTD has accomplished many significant goals.  Such accomplishments include feeding the hunger, providing tutoring services , hosting summer vacation bible school,  assisting the elderly, and .providing assistance to members of our community.  In addition, we are a certified community service agency within St. Lucie County.  We stand in amazement of the phenomenal blessings and increase of God since that day of small beginnings. Part of our mandate is not only to impact our city, but also to train and equip leadership and make a difference in our city. Thus far, hundreds of people and members of ministries have been provided assistance through our service which we incorporate continuously.



    God laid on our hearts an incredible vision: to reach and serve the lost. The vision of LTD is to establish ministries and reach the lost through telephone prayer line, radio, television programs and mail correspondence.  LTD will be a vehicle that serve the hurt and lost. 


Future Plans:

     The future of LTD would include reaching the community through God filled teachings and preaching of the word.  In addition, we plan to increase our social service involvement within our community such as; theology school, bookstore, day care, elderly care services transitional housing and bilingual educational programs.    


 These programs will bring believers under the influence of the five fold shepherd ministry gifts of apostle, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers which Christ has set in the church with the designed intention that believers of this assembly shall be.  This ministry is committed to helping people from all walks of life experience the unconditional love and unending hope found only in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We have since developed and overseen ministries that serve the felt needs of both the church body and community. As a symbol of our growth and desire to impact every person for Jesus Christ, our goal is to unveil our new church home in the near future. As a multi-cultural family of believers, Liberty Truth and Deliverance strongly believes that God has the power to restore individuals to their fullest potential.


Why do we need a larger facility?


     At this time, we are in need of a God filled Church facility.  We are ready to build a long term facility due to our knowledge and maturity development.  Due to our maturity development and desire to touch as many souls within our community, our congregation continues to grow.  Our congregation has grown from 8 members to 100 plus members with expectations of increasing this number. We want to become the church God wants us to be however, we are in need of appropriate space to accomplish this task.  . In addition, the right church structure can help us do the right job that God has called us to do.  We envision a church facility that would allow us the opportunity to worship, teach and serve.  We envision a facility that includes adequate space for administrative tasks, social service programs and educational services. We are in need of the right structure which includes different rooms with adequate facilities and equipment and accommodations so that our congregation and guest will be comfortable.  
Ecclesiastes 10:10 (TLB) says: “A dull axe requires great strength; be wise and sharpen the blade!”.  Chopping down trees with an axe is not a lot of fun, but makes it a dull axe, and it is really a chore. Instead of chopping down trees the church is here to teach, worship, minister, build fellowship, and do evangelism. Church buildings are some of the tools we use to do those things. If they are not adequate or in good condition, they act like that dull axe, and make the job much harder than it has to be. We believe that having a larger Church Building can have a great impact on the ability of the church to fulfill its purpose
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"Where the Spirit of the Lord is,
There is Liberty."
Liberty Truth & Deliverance Tabernacle of God, Inc.

1406 Ave. B | Fort Pierce, FL 34950 | PH. 772-465-6895

Visit our New Sanctuary
1406 Avenue B

© 2023 by Liberty Truth & Deliverance Tabernacle of God, Inc. All rights reserved.

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